Some undertake this battle in their own strength, supposing that victory over sin and obedience to God's law will come by trying hard enough So they try and they tell themselves they're doing pretty good. Others view the task as an insurmountable hurdle beyond the realm of possibility. Eventually they give up in discouragement. In both cases the vital missing element is the motivating, empowering, compelling influence of divine love. What electricity is to a lamp, what fuel is to a car, God's love is to the Christian life.
"The love of Christ constrains" those who receive it, Paul said. To do what? He continues his thought: to "live no longer for themselves but for Him who died for them and rose again" 2 Corinthians 5:14, 15. NKJV. In other words, the love of Christ is so powerful, so attractive, so absolutely captivating that it moves the one who receives it to cease living for self and to begin living for the One whose love compelled Him to die for us.
When we truly understand and embrace the love of God as illuminated by Calvary, a responsive love awakens deep within our hearts. New desires are stimulated. Personal salvation becomes secondary to His glory. The passion to live for God is made true and deep and strong. Self is forgotten. Christian standards are seen to be Christian privileges. And I might add for the sake of those who may be worried about all this emphasis on God's love, the very last thing we'll want to do is look lightly on sin.
Everything appears new and beautiful in the light of God's love.
Dear God cause me to see the true power of your love. May I not underestimate its transforming influence. Allow the cross to shine its healing rays on my heart so I can view everything in the light of Your love In Christ's saving name I pray. Amen.
(I hope this encourages you as it has me. I have always tried to obey and failed but in the Light of God's Love it no longer becomes a duty but a privilege. A loving privilege. May God bless you with the light of heaven as you read these thoughts each day. Grandma Joan)
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