Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Genuine Conversion

Everyone should be genuinely truthful in all that we do.  We need to be genuinely God's and our conversion to Him should be genuine, shouldn't it.  God knows our hearts and He knows whether we are fake or not, whether we are really repenting of our past or faking it, He knows and we need to remember that He knows our hearts, it will help us to be genuinely His.

The following quotation is from the Review and Herald July 22, 1890.

"Sin then appears in its true hideousness, and his self-esteem was gone.  He became humble.  He no longer ascribed goodness and merit to himself.  He ceased to think more highly of himself that he ought, and be ascribed all the glory to God. He was no longer ambitious  for greatness.  He ceased to want to avenge himself and was no longer sensitive to reproach, neglect, or contempt.  He no longer sought earthly alliance, station or honor.  He did not pull others down to uplift himself.  He became gentle, condescending, meek and lowly of heart, because he had learned his lesson in the school of Christ.  He talked of Jesus and His matchless love, and grew more and more into His image.  He bent his whole energy to win souls to Christ.  When trial came upon him because of his unselfish labor for souls, he bowed in prayer, and his love for them increased.  His life was hid with Christ in God, and he loved Jesus with all the ardor of his nature.  Every church was dear to him , every church member was a person of interest to him.  For he looked on every soul as the purchase of the blood of Christ."

This was talking about Genuine Conversion, I couldn't pass up such a beautiful example of what a disciple of Christ would be like.  It could have been talking about any one of the disciples, they all experienced genuine conversion one way or another.  It should be talking about us individually.  If we are a genuine convert to Christ, this will be said of us by our God.  I want this said of me, don't you?
We don't want a big ego or lots of praise, or money because we love and bless others with our caring  spirit.  Let's just be like Jesus in our conduct and in our relationship with others.  We in turn will be blessed beyond our comprehension.  Also we will be numbered among the saved at last.  Grandma

PS  I know this was short but it was so powerful, I just had to share it.

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