A Representative Role
We know that Jesus was selected for his representative role before sin broke out. It would be His difficult task to represent God's character to created beings--angels and all the other inhabitants of the universe--who needed to know about God and His character of love. This representation was also necessary, since the foundation of God's universe was love and needed to be knit together on that foundation. Needless to say, the love that everything would be founded upon would have to be more than a sentimental attitude, for it was the principle upon which rested all the power of God. The Triune God chose Jesus Christ to make that representation.
Our Role
How do we integrate Jesus' task of representing the Father's character of love with His words to the disciples in John 15:9, "As the Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you"? Jesus is admonishing us to represent His character to the fallen inhabitants of our planet and the inhabitants of the rest of the universe. We have been called to make the same representation that Jesus was called to make. As we properly represent Jesus on a practical basis, His character will be revealed, known, and understood. And what intellectually impacts the inhabitants of unfallen worlds will bring practical transformation to the fallen inhabitants of our world. This demonstration will enable fallen people to be come new creatures; it will allow them to experience complete transformation--this was God's objective for the plan of atonement from the beginning, and this is what Jesus had in mind when He said, "As the Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you: continue ye in My love."
When Jesus said, "Continue ye in My love," He was obviously referring to His Own love, but He was also referring to a chain reaction of love; God loved Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ love human beings, and human beings were to love one another. This is how love operates, and God's love will be seen when we love each other.
Oh, how much we need this love, it would get rid of our critical spirit, our gossiping, reading people's motives, anything that might harm anyone else, including our neighbors. Selfishness being the main sin that leads to all the others. Thinking of self is the basis of our sins. We need to ask God to get rid of our selfish natures, a good idea for sure. I'm going to do that right now. Grandma Joan
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