The disciples didn't understand, didn't remotely understand, what was going to take place soon, and the people observing Jesus dying on the cross were not going to understand either. So Jesus was warning the disciples about His forthcoming death to keep their confidence in Him from being completely shaken. Jesus also knew the people looking on would consider Him a fool! Did it matter to Him what people would be thinking? No! Should it matter to us what people think of us? No! Paul said he would gladly be labeled a fool for following Christ, and anyone giving his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ in our day is also going to be considered a fool in the eyes of the world--you may think otherwise, but you are mistaken for the world hasn't become more accepting of those who surrender their lives to Jesus in our day than they did in His!
Jesus was viewed as a total fool in the eyes of the people of His day, sadly even by those who considered themselves His followers. When He was hanging on the cross, it was His followers who were saying, "We thought He was the One Who was going to deliver us." But while they were hanging their heads in disbelief, He was saving them! Do you think people are going to understand if you completely consecrate yourself to God and let Him remake you into a new creature? They won't! They will think you are a fool; they will say you're being fanatical; they will say you are making too great sacrifice. Only when self has been totally crucified is it possible to make such a surrender, and patiently endure the world's disdain.
This is a pretty heavy study and only if you are completely surrendered to God can you understand what it is all about. It is true, I've been rebuked and you will too, eventually. People of the world do not understand to this day what it means to be fully surrendered to God. It means 'not my will but His in my life'. Also people don't understand what a glorious life it is until they are fully surrendered. It means no more worries because Christ is in control, it means He makes the decisions for us, we don't have to decide what's best for us, it means He gives us all the discernment that we need to see what's right and what's wrong, also what Satan is trying to do to cause us to stumble, it means we are truly free, I mean free. Would you like this kind of life, me too! Let's surrender completely to Him and be free indeed. Grandma Joan
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