One of my greatest needs is to have someone in my life that I can trust implicitly and I mean implicitly. Is that something you need too? Someone who never fails you when He makes a promise, someone whom you can go to with anything, anything at all. Someone who is always there, regardless of circumstances. Someone who doesn't condemn you when you fall short?
I told you before about my friends, and I love them and of course I love my children and they are there when I need them but it isn't the same as someone with the power to change things that need changing and to heal and to forgive us when we fail Him. You know who that Someone is don't you? I can't help talking about Him so I know that you know what I am thinking, but do you realize that He is a Faithful Someone who never let's you down. I am learning this lesson and it's a wonderful lesson and I hope that I can achieve what I am learning to do.
1 Thessalonians 5:23,24 "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it."
I've got to put this one in my promise note book too. This is a wonderful promise and it is just for me right now and maybe you too? I need sanctified completely, my whole spirit, soul, and body. How about you?
I think probably there isn't anyone out there that doesn't need this promise fulfilled in your life. It also says that He will preserve us blameless until Jesus comes? But the best part of it all is that He says that "He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it."
He is the faithful One, God is faithful who calls us and He will also do in our lives what needs to be done to save us. Can you find a better promise than this? I don't know what it would be. It's just what I needed this morning. I can trust Him with my problems that overwhelm me and know that He has it all under HIS control. I love that and it takes all the worry out of things. He not only will save us but He takes care of us while we are here on this earth. We just need to learn to trust Him.
Have a worry free day in the God who is Faithful. Grandma Joan
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