Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Depth of the Sacrifice

I have never done this before on this blog, but today is different, something is really getting to me and I want to share something with you that has been mind boggling to me and caused me to stop and really think this thing through.  I am going to quote two or three paragraphs from a book called, 'In the Light of God's Love'.
I have read the little book nine times and should have it memorized by now but I don't.  Maybe when I get through with the tenth time.  I will share the address with you where to get it if you want it, you won't be sorry I am sure.  These paragraphs are speaking about Christ's death on the cross.  Here goes--

In 2 Corinthians 5:21  "For He (the Father)  made Him (the Son) who knew no sin to be sin for us."

   Jesus took into Himself the guilt of every lie, every theft, every murder, every rape, every sin ever committed by human beings.  Consequently, He began to sense in the depths of His inmost heart the separation that sin will ultimately make between God and lost sinners.  It was the horror of this reality that caused our destiny to hang in the balance against His own will to continue living in the light of God's love.  Three times the tortured will of God's Son was pressed to choose between His own eternal life and ours.
'O My Father,' He sobbed, 'if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will'.  Three times He consented to any destiny for Himself, however bleak, in exchange for our redemption.

In Gethsemane the Savior's decision was made to save us at any cost to Himself.  At Calvary that choice of love was tested to the utmost.  The darkness that only cast it's hellish shadow upon Him in the garden now enveloped His soul with the impenetrable blackness of eternal midnight.  The Father's love, His acceptance and His approval, seemed so far away as to never return.  As Jesus hung there on the cross, the One whose presence alone is life seemed gone forever.  The accumulated guilt and shame of the fallen race flooded His heart and hid the Father's face,  sharp with eternal damnation, the sword of divine justice was unsheathed and driven through the innocent heart of the Savior.

Zechariah 13:7  "Awake, O sword, against My Shepherd,'  grieved the Father, 'against the Man who is My Companion."

Matthew 27:46  "Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"

Forsaken!   What a horrible thought.  The word carries the meaning of abandonment, rejection, separation, not for a time but for eternity.

Peering deeper into the mystery of our Savior's sacrifice, Psalm 88:6-8 & 12 makes an astonishing revelation of what transpired in His agonizing heart: "Thou (Father) hast laid Me (the Son) in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps.  Thy wrath lieth hard upon Me...I am shut up and I cannot come the land of forgetfulness.  I am confined and cannot escape in the land of oblivion".

Jesus felt with unbuffered force the complete severing of the soul from the love and life of God that sin ultimately causes.  Confined in the dungeon of guilt, plunged into the depths of shame, oppressed under the hopeless feelings of never ending separation from God, Jesus endured the full and final wages of sin.  He was shut up in the darkness of a death from which He could see no return.  And yet He did not relent.

I am sure that if you have any feelings at all, you have been touched by these words from this  little book.  If not then please read it again and again until it penetrates your heart like a spear.  It is the first time that I have really understood the depths of which Christ went to save me and it brought remorse and sorrow to my heart to think of what He went through for me and what pain I have caused Him when I have sinned against Him.

If you would like to have this little book, 'In the Light of God's Love'  You can order it from: Light Bearer's,
37457 Jasper Lowell Rd., Jasper, Oregon  97438.  USA.  Or you might try Amazon, they have used books as low as $4.00.  Either way, it is worth every penny spent.  I love it, it has helped me understand so many beliefs so much clearer and always Bible proof, so you don't have to worry about being led astray.

I hope you love Jesus more from these few thoughts this morning.  I can't help but love Him and want to love Him more every day, don't you?  Grandma Joan

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