I use to be an outgoing person when my husband and I were involved it lots of church activities, but as we got older and things started happening to our health, we both just slipped out of sight after so many years of fellowshipping and serving others. Just recently I learned a good lesson about making friends, and I love to do it and it makes others happy. I make beautiful scarves out of lace and people just love them. I use to sell them but recently I have decided to give them away to see the joy on peoples faces. For ladies only, of course, but you could give one to a man for his wife, which I plan to do this week. Putting self out of sight and not expecting anything in return is a wonderful way to make friends and see the joy it brings. So let's see some promises.
Proverbs 18:24 "A man (or woman) who has friends must himself (herself) be friendly. There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."NKJV
Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times." NIV
Romans 12:10 "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves." NIV
Do these promises sound like a good way to make friends? I think so and really, truly, it works. I already have quite a few ladies wearing my pretty scarves at church but there are lots more that don't have one. I'll keep working on it, I usually wait until God impresses me to give to the right person. I'm sure you have something you can do to make friends, this is just one thing. Grandma Joan
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